A bit about myself.

Having worked in the field of counseling and psychotherapy for over twenty-five years, I’ve had many incredible opportunities to learn and grow. I’ve distilled these years into an intuitive spiritually-minded focus that orients towards young adults, individuals, and elders.

In addition to private practice, I offer intuitive consultations and energy attunements. Energy healing modalities offer a sense of calm groundedness and clarity, and are particularly helpful when needing an energetic reset or a release of stuck energies held in the mind and/or body. Visit katmdavis.com for more information.

My personal self-care includes meditation, drawing and painting, dancing unencumbered, tending to plants, exploring Mother Nature (and picking up trash along the way!), and spending time with friends and loved ones.

I invite you to call me and set up an appointment at 510.507.1591 so we can begin our time together.
